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Neighbourhood Plan August 2014 update

On behalf of the Neighbourhood Plan Forum, I am writing to say a belated thank you for your support and encouragement to those who attended our inaugural meeting on Tuesday 15th July and we were delighted by the great turnout. It shows how committed residents are to the future of Shoreham Beach and we look forward to working with you in future.

As a result of the positive feedback from the meeting, we have now formally lodged the Neighbourhood Plan Application with Adur District Council, and submitted the constitution which was formally adopted at our meeting on July 15th. We have already had positive feedback from the council and it is our intention to press ahead with drawing up a plan.

As we explained at the meeting, this is a fairly lengthy and detailed process that will culminate in a public referendum, hopefully next year. In the meantime, we are planning a full public consultation exercise to make sure that residents are kept up to speed and are able to make informed decisions in advance of the referendum.

Much of the work needed to prepare the Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Plan will be done through topic working groups. The first meeting of the Forum Management Committee after last month’s inaugural forum meeting, identified provisional topics and leaders for several working groups. These topics will be developed and the responsibilities of the working groups will be finalised as more Forum members get involved and start work.

We would very much like to hear from you if you would like to contribute to one or more of the Working Groups. If you want more information, or want to contact any of the group leaders, please write to us at

The groups include:

Residential development and regeneration. Members will analyse development trends that are affecting the Beach. This will include identifying the cumulative impact to date of the re-development of single properties for two or more dwelling units. In consultation with the Local Planning Authority, the group will work to develop the Shoreham Beach Urban Design Guide, to set standards for all types of development in the area, including the small-scale redevelopment of

Bungalows. Dawn Clenton-Sparey

Community facilities. Looking at pre-school and school provision, health facilities, provision for children’s play, youth facilities and provision for the elderly. The starting point will be a survey of existing provision, resulting in a report that identifies any gaps or areas for improvement. Maurice Pitchford

Conservation of the natural and historic environment. The Council sees the impending Ferry Road improvement/landscaping/car parking projects as encouraging more people to visit the area (see Beach News page 9).Unfortunately, this scheme is now delayed until Spring 2015. Recognising this, the Neighbourhood Plan will develop proposals for the area (hopefully working in partnership with organisations who maintain the Nature Reserve and the Fort) to establish a balance between conservation and development. Cllr Liza McKinney

Local businesses and jobs. The group will aim to contact those who work in the area, either in industrial/commercial premises, the shops or, increasingly as in self- employment from home. The first task of this group will be to make contact with employers to establish their views about the future of the area and whether the Neighbourhood Plan could help to sustain their businesses. Maggie Taylor

Transport and movement. The issue of movement for residents and visitors, both on and off the Beach, will be an important component of the Neighbourhood Plan. This includes provision for pedestrians, cyclists, private cars and public transport. This group’s work will start by identifying residents’ concerns, including car parking, traffic speeds, frequency and public transport costs and safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Cllr Ben Stride

Sustainable green neighbourhood. Can Shoreham Beach reduce its carbon footprint by reducing its energy consumption through improved building insulation and by generating some of its own renewable energy (solar panels), together with improved waste management (reducing, recycling and re-using) and reduced water consumption? These are some of the measures, which aim to protect the environment and reduce household bills, will top the agenda. Jennie Tindall

Community Engagement Strategy and Programme. The production of a Neighbourhood Plan has to involve residents from all parts of the Beach and all groups living and working here. This group is developing a strategy to make sure this happens. Our programme will include recruiting members across the area, organizing three open Forum “Have Your Say” events at different venues, and workshops led by the Topic Working Groups. Joss Loader

All work will be supported by the Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Forum Planning Adviser, Professor Mike Gibson MSc BA DipTp MRTPI.

In the meantime, please bear with us during this quieter holiday period. A lot of preparation work is going on behind the scenes and we look forward to your continued support from September onwards.

If in the meantime, you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact me via the forum email address above. Finally, I ask that if you have received this correspondence by hand delivery, then please let us know your email address by return if you have one, as we can then update you more quickly. Kind regards,

Maggie Taylor On behalf of Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Plan Management Committee

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