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Management Committee minutes - Feb 2015

Thursday, February 26

Harbour Club, Shoreham Beach

Co-option of new member - Emma Whelan

Funding - The bridging grant has been approved to provide funding until the end of March. A fresh application for funds will be submitted to Locality for the next financial year. ADC will consider assisting with funds for the Household Survey

Project Update - Timings may change for the Local Plan so our timetable may also need to change. A Characterisation Study is urgently required – JW to gather costs for consultants to carry out this piece of work.

Household Survey – A draft has been drawn up and detailed feedback was provided by the council; other management committee members have also submitted com- ments. The survey is now being reviewed and updated and will go out separately to Beach News in April. Residents and businesses will be able to fill out printed copies – or submit it online. Face-to-face surveys will also be held in a bid to engage hard-to-reach groups.

Beach Green toilet block – The forum is considering whether to submit an expression of interest to the Council by the deadline of 31st March 2015 given status (and eligibility) as Neighbourhood Forum for a community right to buy/right to bid initiative

Planning & Regeneration Working Group - JW to arrange a meeting to pull together the work that has been completed to date – this will help inform the Consultants who will be appointed to complete the Characterisation study.

​Minutes from January 21 – Approved.

This is a summary of the draft minutes of the SBNF management committee – the full version will be approved at the March meeting (date tbc)

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