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Management Committee minutes - March 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at the Harbour Club

Funding - The £1,200 bridging grant has been spent by the NP, according to the agreed expenditure budget set with Locality.

Household Survey progress update - Work to prepare a printed and online version of the survey is now nearing completion. Distribution is due to commence on April 22. Joss Loader is leading this work, and an independent analyst will be used by Joss to prepare feedback. It is hoped that Adur District Council will fund survey costs.

Planning & Regeneration Working Group – progress on the Characterisation Study - Julia Watts will update the committee at the next meeting.

Informal Executive Meetings - Dawn emphasised the need for these meetings on a regular basis and invited committee members to attend where possible. The next one is scheduled for Thursday, April 16.

Nomination of Beach Green Toilet Block as Asset of Community Value - This issue was covered first in the meeting, in order to clarify whether the forum had approached the council with an ‘Expression of Interest’ or applied for an ‘Asset of Community Value’. It was made clear that we have applied to the council for the latter which all agreed was the right way forward regarding the proposed development of the toilet block. The NP will have some involvement in the toilet block in a supportive ‘soft way’ as suggested by John Haffenden. John has arranged a meeting with an interested third party which will be attended by Cllr Ben Stride and other committee members. To further clarify, the registration of the Asset of Community Value means that potentially any community group can put together a bid to develop the toilet block.

AOB - It was suggested that the Church of the Good Shepherd host future management meetings. The next one is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28.

Review of minutes of meeting from 26th February 2015 - Minutes were agreed

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