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Management Committee minutes - April 2015

Tuesday 28th April 2015

1. Review of Minutes of meeting from 31st March Minutes were agreed

2. Resignation of ViceChair

It was confirmed that Joss Loader has resigned as Vice Chair. Thanks to Joss for her work as Vice Chair and she will continue to make a voluntary contribution to the Forum as well as conducting some paid community engagement work via her established PR company. This approach was at the request of the committee and has been declared to the council and Locality in the interests of transparency. Joss has made no charge for co-ordination of delivery of the survey or for writing the recent web/email updates and will continue to write this information, voluntarily.

3. Nomination of ViceChair John Haffenden has agreed to take over the role of Vice Chair having been

nominated by Maggie, approved by Dawn and all present agreed.

4. Household Survey Update

Joss has advised that 60 forms have been completed in total so far including paper and online. She wishes to thank everyone who assisted with delivery which will be completed by end of today. To confirm, at least 50 face to face interviews will take place to ensure a geographical cross-section is reached, along with hard to reach groups.

6. Funding Application We should be advised of funding approval by Friday 1st May. We’ve applied to

Locality for £7K leaving a window of £1K for future requirements if needed.

Dawn is currently undertaking the grant monitoring form which will be submitted by end April which confirms payments made via the Bridging Grant from Locality from January to March 31st 2015.

7. Project Plan

Mike has provided an outline project plan which was distributed by Dawn. It has been agreed that we hold a ‘Have Your Say Day’ at the Beach School on 15th July. Discussion ensued about the content of that day. The survey results will have been analysed and will be available for public view and discussion. It was suggested that we may apply for ‘Technical Support’ to fund a workshop so that we obtain a clear vision for the next stage of the plan which is to draw up a draft policy.

8. Beach Green / Toilet as Asset of Community Value Adur DC will advise their decision about the application for ‘Asset of Community

Value’ by end 26 May 2015 .

9. Working Groups

Nothing to report at present. Mike G will be contacting all committee members who head a working group to discuss and liaise over the activity/meetings in advance of the next Have Your Say Day/July. To create/liaise specific targets and areas of focus.

10. Update on Characterisation Study and Progress

This is currently being prepared.

11. Date of next Management Committee Meeting

To be held on Tuesday 26th May at Church of Good Shepherd Hall from 7.15 – 8.15pm

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