Wednesday 13th January 2016
7.15pm start - at The Harbour Club
Apologies: Linton, Maurice & Jenny
Present: Emma Whelan (Treasurer), Howard Carter, Joss Loader, Ben Stride, John Haffenden,
Dawn Clenton-Sparey
1. Minutes of previous meeting (30th September 2015) – approved 2. SBRA & SBNF working relationship – John & Joss met to discuss the working relationship and agreed to ensure that each group is kept informed of activities and are invited to relevant meetings. Agreed for John to be the conduit for SBNF with SBRA and Joss the lead SBRA contract for SBNF.
3. AOAC (Adur Outdoor Activity Centre) update – West Sussex finding a new operator, in cooperation with Adur. Remit: needs to retain its core function but be more financially viable. Pre-qualification questions going to organisations that have expressed an interest. West Sussex and Adur jointly to make the decision. (John H, Mike Gibson, Ben Stride and Dawn CS met with ‘Releasing Potential’ organisation that has expressed an interest in running the AOAC on 12th January 2016. There are a couple of other organisations who have also expressed interest to the council/WSCC).
4. Funding - £1k received January 2016: £900 to Mike G and £100 to The Beach School for Room Hire (we have £50.00 in the account as goodwill gesture from HSBC. £15.00 for room Hire for SBNF Management Committee Meeting 13.01.16 Stage 1: Mike G & DCS contacted Locality for further funding. Proposal is to apply for the £6k Supplementary Grant to be used in two stages. First by the end of March 2016. Second by the end of March 2017. Expand on community engagement, website development, promotion material, room hire, meetings, refreshments and Mike Gibson collating information (analysis and presentation of October HYSD) and beginning to develop the policies/Mike Gibson’s planning consultancy costs. Stage 2 (to be spent by end March 2017) – to fund preparation of draft Neighbourhood Plan and final phase of community engagement.
5. AGM 6th February 10.00-11.00
Agenda - to include: Chairman’s report and Treasurer’s report; updated job descriptions for Committee Officers, Working Groups Conveners and Planning consultant;
nominations for SBNF Management Committee officers 2016: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary/Membership Secretary; Volunteers to join Working Groups.
6. Have Your Say Day 6th February 11.00 – 3.30 Neighbourhood Plan as drop-in/informal workshop approach. Using the October exhibition panels. Promote with flyers, posters, emails, leaflet drop. Consider a brief presentation on scope and programming of the draft Neighbourhood Policies stage (MG to lead). Workshop members to lead round-table discussions of emerging neighbourhood policies using materials prepared in advance.
7. Governance 2016: Management Committee – aim is to define further the roles with a tiered system to be as effective and efficient as possible. Timeline work for the next few months to ensure we meet our June 2016 target. Proposed monthly SBNF Management Committee meetings: Wednesday 3rd February, 9th March, 11th May and 8th June at the Harbour Club.
Viki Carter has kindly volunteered to be Secretary and will attend the next Management Committee meeting.
Action Groups role: to ensure Management Committee decisions are acted on and to manage the planning consultant’s contribution. Membership: Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer. Meetings (held between MC meetings) to be arranged by Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
Working Groups role: to develop Neighbourhood Plan policies with support from planning consultant. Membership: chaired by Convener (Committee member) plus Forum members. Meetings to be arranged by the Convener.
Liaison with LPA role: to ensure emerging NP in conformity with ADC Local Plan. Scheduled meetings as needed. SBNF represented by the Chair, Vice-Chair and planning consultant.
8. Next SBNF Management Committee Meeting Wednesday 3rd February 7.15pm at the Harbour Club
9. AOB:
Dawn CS spoke to Moria Hayes (LPA) re: timings of submitting the draft policies in June 2016 - Moira to check with James Appleton in relation to LPA and Local Plan timeline - to update us at the next meeting on 27th January with Moira Hayes, Cat Hutchinson, John Haffenden, Mike Gibson and Dawn Clenton-Sparey
Kingswalk application has been withdrawn - as updated by Peter Barnett (LPA)
Application to change the hairdressers to a ground floor flat (at entrance to Shoreham Beach)
Discussed SBNF role re: individual applications and agree that our focus isn’t to have an opinion ‘on these kinds of applications’ but rather raise awareness of them as examples of why we are developing a plan and using them as community engagement opportunities - where relevant to create a draft response to underline our approach and further outline SBNF mission and aim