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Cycling, Walking, Parking, Exercise - survey now online

Transport & movement has a big effect on the quality of life on Shoreham Beach. If you have any views on cycling, parking restrictions, boardwalk extensions or exercise inventions - fill in our questionnaire! What about the plans for Beach Green? If you would like to influence the kind of facilities and activities on the green, please see the section on cycle lanes, boardwalks and fitness loops - let us know what you want.

The Neighbourhood Plan will enable local people to have more influence over changes in the use and (re)development of land and buildings. At our last Have Your Say Day (February 2016 ) we launched this workshop seeking ideas and testing opinions about all key sites in Marine Ward. The Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Forum is not making any proposals at this stage, but is enabling local residents and businesses to input to the next stage - the development of draft policies. This will be the subject of the next Have Your Say day in April/May 2016. If you live or work on Shoreham Beach, this is your opportunity to take part!

Short link to survey:

Long link:

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