Wednesday 2nd March 2016 -– 7.15pm
Minutes to Approve of Management Committee Meeting – 17th February 2016 – unanimously approved.
Outstanding Actions from the minutes:
Beach Green Q&A notes – Dawn to send to James Appleton & developer for approval.
Clips of Mike Gibson explaining neighbourhood plan to be uploaded to website – Emma Whelan.
Have Your Say Day notes to be uploaded to website – Mike Whelan.
Liaising with Beach Green Developer / LPA
Q&A notes – circulation & approval – see above.
Preferred developer process – Dawn received the following statement from James Appleton:
"The Council has awarded preferred developer status to the promoters of the proposed cafe/restaurant so that he can start consultation with the local community in connection with his architects initial sketch ideas for the replacement building. The developer was also keen to see whether there would be any community support for other play or leisure activities on the Green and he was willing to consider funding such equipment if there was community support."
The Executive Member, Angus Dunn has also stated after the 2016 SBRA AGM that,
"There is a total lack of support for anything other than a cafe - and then only to enable refurb of the toilets. Even at this early stage of the process, it is fair to say that in light of the residents views (which you will recall were exactly as I expected), I will not agree to a lease for a footprint beyond that marketed (the second, correct time).
"I will also expect the cafe design to be prepared in consultation with the community - the SBRA and Neighbourhood Forum seemingly a good place to place. I appreciate this also has to go through the planning process however unless I see significant evidence of community involvement in and support for the design, I will not agree a lease."