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Management Committee minutes - Jan 2017

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

The Harbour Club

Agenda summary

1. Apologies

2. Co-opting of new secretary

3. Draft Policies - update of document's produced by Mike W and Jacqui B - send to LPA/Council as first initial draft - for feedback and guidance - agree date to meet with LPA in February - outline to be provided of timeline from here to completion MG (5 Minutes)

4. The relationship between the Village Green application and the Local Green Spaces designation in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan - & SBRA application for Village Green application (5 minutes)

5. Have Your Say Day/AGM - proposed outline and plan for event - (Saturday 18th March?) - to include/confirm content/venue/stationery/promotional material - online/offline - to incorporate projected funding required and opportunities for (10 minutes)

6. Funding treasurer - update JM - opportunities and areas of potential funding options - outline of projection of funding to provide planning consultant support MG/HYSD/AGM/Room hire/promotional material etc/other (5 minutes)

7. Working Groups - update & next steps - Regeneration DC - revised draft policies - written report to be circulated by MG - Transport MW - Green & Blue Neighbourhood/Sustainability GWP - Community Facilities MP/DCS - Community Engagement DCS/JB Merger of Community Facilities & Community Engagement Working Groups - to be proposed

(total for working groups 30 minutes):

Proposed date of next committee meeting Wednesday 15th February

Read full minutes here:

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