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Management Committee minutes - May 2017

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Wednesday 31st May

Community Centre, Pond Street Shoreham

1. Apologies (see below)

2. Minutes from last meeting and action points noted.

3. The Treasurer detailed the financial situation that was taken on board. We are now accepting donations via Paypal.

4. Howard Carter agreed to head a small group to deal with the constitution updates needed.

5. Additional HYSD event was discussed and it was agreed that this would be needed once the responses from Adur and WSCC on the draft had been addressed.

6. The draft plan comments by Adur and WSCC will be worked through at a future meeting and reported back to the management committee.

7. Update from WSCC/Adur and Worthing council meeting on Education Provision 19th May 2017 - this was covered in 6 as above. Any other business: - A campaign/greater initiative/focus was needed to encourage/invite more members signed up to further ensure we have engaged with the wider community. - MW to draft an email to all Working group leaders to engage with members by asking for aspirational images to be included in the plan. - It was agreed by all present that MG continue to provide consultation services (subject to finance being available): Howard C to further liaise with MG to create Scope of Work. - Community facilities : needed more work and DCS to raise with MP and find out if he is able to move this forward - within a tight time frame - or to step aside and the committee will appoint another person to take this issue up to completion. - Community Engagement : PD will make direct contact with all listed as stakeholders. WG leaders will provide him with any specific questions that they need responses on. The Committee raised concern that there had been a reference made by a committee member in a communication to the Council on a planning matter. It was agreed that this would be covered in amendments to the Constitution.


Howard Carter(HC) Mike Whelan(MW) Gwenn Parker Trégoat (GPT John Haffenden (JH) Howard Porter (HP) Paul Davis (PD) Jonathan Marshall (JM)


Apologies: Ben Stride(BS),

Dawn Clenton-Sparey(DCS),

Maurice Pitchford (MP), David Collins (DC),

Yvonne Campbell (YC)

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