20 June 2018 Shoreham Centre 6.30pm
Data and Privacy Laws
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force on 25th May. MW is primary ‘controller and also processor’ of personal data. MW pointed out that all ICT operations that he has been involved in for the Forum have built in ‘privacy-by-design’ and that access to sensitive information is fully contained.
MW presented a GDPR compliance report and best practice agreement. MW explained how all management committee members need to be aware of the law, our responsibilities, procedures and policies.
MW pointed out that the password needed updating and a new password was agreed.
MW distributed a copy of this report and asked for all SBNF Management Committee members to sign the full Privacy Policy Best Practice Agreement to demonstrate that they understand and agree with the procedures and policies put in place.
ACTION: MW to distribute the Privacy Best Practice Agreement to absent members All absent members to sign the Agreement before receiving new the password.
All subscribers and contacts were sent an opt-in email notifying them of the updated policy and their rights and status before the GDPR deadline. The email was opened by 60% of recipients, with a 50% increase in subscriptions - which is considered very good. The email was also posted to our Facebook page and Nextdoor group which boosted the reach.
All members were sent a follow up email with more details including an engagement report and a reminder of their responsibility to recognise and abide by the Basic Conditions of Neighbourhood Planning.
Out of ~500 members, 314 have valid email addresses and out of those, 47% opened the email. We recruited a handful of new members and no-one opted out.
ACTION: MW to send an email to all working group members asking them to confirm if they wish to remain on the group. Working Group leaders to follow up with an action plan.
DC summarised a plan of action with regards to the funding situation, taking into consideration MW’s estimates and projections for effective community engagement including printing documents for the small percentage of residents who have stated that they do not want to, or do not know how to use the Internet.
Note: West Sussex County Council has now set up a crowd-funding scheme: https://www.spacehive.com/movement/westsussexcrowd . (MW has mentioned this resource on several occasions).
Those present agreed for the need to continue receiving professional Planning Consultancy support to meet the shortfall of available volunteers.
Policy Progress All present acknowledged digital receipt of the council’s latest set of comments and MW reminded them that it is also available in the Shared G Drive folder (SBNF shared > THE PLAN > FEEDBACK).
Prior to the committee meeting, MW and MG made a provisional review of the council’s latest comments and identified aspects that require MG’s professional expertise.
MW distributed a highlighted version of the latest comments from ADC and WSCC, pointing out the issues which they believe require the most attention.
MW also pointed out that we have received further suggestions from another planning consultant who lives in Shoreham Town. These have been added to the shared ‘FEEDBACK’ folder (internal). ADC have requested that this correspondence is not made public as it is still based on informal consultations.
ACTION: MW to send a direct link to committee members MW to add comments in context within the policy document (visible to logged in users with appropriate permissions).
Policy Progress & Working Groups
Transport: WSCC have asked for very specific technical and financial info regarding EV charging points and solar carports.
Green: SF has made great progress, especially with regards to safeguarding the LNR.
Estimated time needed to coordinate with working groups and respond to the ADC and SBRA comments.
We need more help with Community Facilities
Green - roughly one month
Transport Working Group - roughly one month
Regeneration requires three months
Community Engagement - Next HYSD most likely Sept 2018
ACTION DC to provide the next Beach News update.
SF (new committee member) queried the One Planet Principles which underpin the draft Plan. She expressed the desire to discuss this further to ensure the Plan remains apolitical.
MW pointed out that the principles are designed to be adaptable to specific situations, we just need to articulate what they mean in this context. MW also pointed out that the principles have been developed in conjunction with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (part of the Basic Conditions of Neighbourhood Planning) and they have been adopted by several local authorities, developers and mainstream businesses including B&Q.
ACTION Working groups to test the appropriateness of the principles by completing the table mapping the vision, to principles and policies.
Present: David Collins (DC) - Chair & Regeneration Mike Whelan (MW) – Transport and Movement Tony Wallington (TW) - Vice Chair Stella Filmer (SF) – Green and Blue Neighbourhood
Apologies: Jonathan Marshall (JM) - Treasurer
Howard Porter (HP)
Ben Stride has formally resigned from the committee.
DC enquired about the whereabouts of absent committee members who had not sent any apologies. A brief discussion took place regarding repeated absence and the rules of the constitution.
Image courtesy of http://www.schultzeworks.com/philcopc/