We hope that you will be able to attend our AGM and Q&A session at the Shoreham Centre on Thursday 19th Jan. Please RSVP here. New members are welcome and will be registered when you RSVP (subject to verifying that you are eligible. Full details here).
Members are encouraged to view the latest Draft Plan and / or visit the website in advance of the AGM to get up to speed - and then if necessary - to email any outstanding questions before the AGM via the website contact form. This will ensure that your question goes directly to the most appropriate Working Group Leader.
Help us Promote the Meeting:
Vote or Propose:

We have a number of vacancies on our committee, including Community Engagement. If you are interested in standing, you simply need to get two fellow members to propose and second your nomination at the meeting.
Please see the Constitution for an overview of roles and responsibilities and provide us with at least one week's notice if you wish to stand. We can help you to understand what the role entails and help you to find a potential proposer and seconder.
A Neighbourhood Plan committee (steering group) will be required to continue oversight, monitoring and implementation of the Plan after it is approved. At the AGM you can vote to decide who is elected and have your say about any necessary amendments to the Constitution.
If being on a committee does not suit you, click here to see simple ways you could help.
You can see the evolution of the draft plan, including: status, previous iterations, evidence and feedback at https://www.shorehambeachforum.com/plan-latest.