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Management Committee minutes - April 2019

Agenda: 1.Approval of Minutes of last meeting.

2.Assistance offered from and introduction to local resident and town planner for WSCC: Jane Moseley.

3.Obtain approval for Regulation 14 version for the Plan.

4.Finance – End of grant report.

5.Timetable to completion.

6.Any Other Business.

30 April 2019 

Shoreham Centre

Meeting No: 40

1.Approval of Previous Minutes

Proposed by Jonathan Marshall; Seconded by Dave Collins by way of email after the meeting to members who attended the December, 2018 meeting. Vote therefore delayed. Tony Wallington contacted the attendees to request a proposer and seconder. This done Mike Whelan will publish #Minutes of this meeting on SBNF website in due course.

Supply MW with minutes

2. Assistance offered from and introduction to local resident and town planner for WSCC: Jane Moseley.

Chairman Dave Collins introduced Jane Moseley to the meeting as a Town Planner with West Sussex County Council who has lived on SHoreham Beach for some years. She volunteered her willingness to assist even though the Forum’s time to completion was running out. The Meeting welcomed Jane’s input as the meeting progressed

3.The Plan – Latest Version


MW was asked to report the progress of the Plan. MW pointed out the new “Change Log” on the first page of the Plan, which highlights the most pertinent changes and a facility to delegate tasks and assign deadlines. Some tasks are still outstanding.

DC then advised the Meeting of the written advice offered by our Consultant, Prof Mike Gibson, to send the current plan to #ADC for review and possible SEA screening to Adur District Council. Following this advice, ADC’s Moira Hayes, in a recent meeting with our Chairman, vigorously agreed with the Consultant’s view in submitting the plan.

The issue of the DESIGN REVIEW PANEL: its responsibilities, make-up and impact was then briefly discussed and MW declared that a survey was being sent to some 60 residents for feedback purposes. A contentious issue was that the DRP should be able to comment of planning applications outside Marine Ward if they potentially over-looked the Forum’s area. ADC have offered clear advice that this would not be allowed under a DRP’s remit. MW asked if the DRP should be “de-coupled” from the Plan in order to allow a Shoreham-wide panel. Members of the committee expressed their desire for the DRP to remain attached to the Plan.

JB Expressed concern about some of the wording in the Plan which may be interpreted as “anti-development”.  “For example the NP refers to the ‘so called 2 for one development’ which could be described as ‘modest incremental infill development’.

The NP refers to ‘respect for existing Density’.  Early on in the development of the NP it was agreed that housing density was not a subject that the NP should cover as this would be in direct conflict with the Local Plan.

There are a number of other examples of Anti-Development sentiment that conflicts with the Local Plan.” *** [added at meeting on 10th June 2019] JM stated that she did not feel the tone was anti-development [end]***

JB & DC to discuss at a dedicated meeting and amend as necessary

Action for the Plan:

3.2 Dave Collins then proposed a motion to send the latest version of the Forum’s plan [V.4] to ADC by May 7th at the latest. This should now allow sufficient time to ‘brush-up’ the plan’s presentation even though the DRP question was yet unresolved but, once clarified, could be input to the V.4 at a later date. A vote was proposed and seconded. Proposal was carried with 7 voting for and 2 against.

MW to complete


The Chairman then asked our Treasurer, JMl to update the meeting of the Forum’s current financial position and methods of sourcing additional funding if needed.

5.Timetable: tbc

The Meeting ended at approximately 9pm.



DC - Dave Collins,, Chairman, Regen.;

JM - Jonathan Marshall, Treasurer;

MW - Mike Whelan, Secretary, Transport and Movement

SF - Stella Filmer, Green and Blue Neighbourhood

JB- James Breckell

HP - Howard Porter

KH - Kevin Hall;

JM - Jane Moseley: WSCC Town Planner & Beach resident

Apologies: Prof. Mike Gibson


Next Management Meeting: Location and agenda to be confirmed.



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