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SBNF Officers Meeting Minutes - March 2022

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

17 March 2022 at 19.00

Committee Room at the Shoreham Centre


1. February meeting minutes

2. Funding status

3. Meeting with Adur planners

4. Rampion 2 consultation draft survey

5. Green sites

6. AOB

1. February meeting minutes

KH opened the meeting and proposed that the February meeting minutes be approved. There were no objections and the meeting minutes were signed.

2. Funding Status

The required committee member ID documentation has now been provided to Santander bank so the Forum’s new bank account can now be opened. This enables the Forum to apply for further funding. MG stated that an application cannot be made until the new financial year, when Locality will have details of central government funding availability. Also it is important that the Forum meeting with Adur planners takes place before any funding application is made.

3. Meeting with Adur planners

Moira Hayes has emailed DC with a range of possible dates for the meeting. This information was circulated to all committee members and most convenient date to all was agreed as April 5th. The meeting will take place in the Shoreham Centre QEII room, commencing at 3pm. As open green spaces will be discussed it is important that Pippa Reece can attend the meeting.

Items for discussion will include:

  • Status of Adur planners’ comments about the current draft Neighbourhood Plan as identified by Moira Hayes in her email to DC, March 8.

  • Identify those comments that need to be addressed before the draft NP can be submitted by Adur planning for the SEA/SA assessment.

  • Budgetary estimate for completion of the NP and options for funding in addition to any Locality grant for 2022-23.

  • Green sites identified in the draft NP, in particular the location of the proposed MUGA.

  • NP policies Adur planning considers could or should be removed which the Forum wishes to retain.

  • Potential impact of the emerging Local Plan on the Neighbourhood Plan, for example environmental policies.

4. Rampion 2 consultation draft survey

MW has not been available to work on a draft consultation survey and so discussions about a possible Forum member consultation will be deferred to a future committee meeting.

Action MW to produce a draft survey for discussion

5. Local green spaces

No suggestions of additional 'green sites' were put forward to submit to the District Council or add to sites already included in the Neighbourhood Plan (see notes below). MW said that any such spaces were likely to be privately owned and therefore not suitable to be included.


Re. proposed dedicated cycle lane parallel to A259 (policy TM1 / 2):

"Whilst we have no objection to the use of land within Adur Recreation Ground to provide a new cycle lane, we do have concerns regarding the practicalities to deliver and maintain this." ADC & WCC

Re. solar carports at Beach Green car-park and / or Adur Rec car-park (policy GB4):

Comments from Council Parking Team:

"it looks great about having electric charging points and solar carports. However how would that be funded? Who would be responsible for delivering it? Who would be responsible for the maintenance?" Council Parking Team

Re. MUGA & Allotments (previously policy NR3)

The council's Parks Team previously expressed some concern about the cost of provision for the MUGA and have indicated that:

"future decisions on additional recreational provision will not be taken until the review of the current Open Space, Sport & Recreation Strategy has been completed. This will also review current and future demand for allotments." Council Parks Team

SBNF has checked the The Adur and Worthing Open Space Study (2019) and it does conclude there is a deficit of allotments and play space (youth – esp. teenagers) in Marine Ward.

In our latest draft Plan the term ‘MUGA’ is now replaced with ‘sports area’, It has been removed from the Beach Green Concept Masterplan, and is independent of Beach Green policies.

Revised policy wording:

The Plan would support the provision of one or more sports areas - such as a climbing boulder, bicycle track, or multi-use games area (MUGA) - with consideration for inter-generational mix and noise mitigation
Noise mitigation guidance and Evidence from A&W’s Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study have been added to the justification. Draft SBNP Policy CF2

The cost of installing the MUGA / Padel court etc. could be partially offset / recouped if energy generation was installed at the same time, i.e. ground source heat pump. More info here Damage could be minimised by a booking system with access issued by a key code at the time of booking. This system is widely used health clubs, i.e. the Padel court in Hove.

Possible Locations and Issues:

  • Adur Rec - managed by AOAC?(possible issues due to strategic green gap and was also an unregulated landfill site and therefore digging into the ground can be problematic)

  • North Beach Green next to playground – managed by café? (noise concerns and flood zone 3)

  • Part of Beach Green car park? (flood zone 3)

  • Falcon Close? (noise concerns and flood zone 3)

  • School site in the case of a future school relocation? (relocation unlikely)

  • On school roof? (noise concerns)

  • Playground of possible future new school with access after school and weekends?(relocation unlikely)

Action This subject will be discussed further at the meeting with Adur Planners next month.

Meeting closed at 20.05


The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday April 21st at 19.00 at the Shoreham Centre.



Kevin Hall (KH) Vice Chair

Mike Whelan (MW) Secretary

James Breckell (JB) Architect

Mike Gibson (MG) Planning Consultant

Apologies for absence received from:

Dave Collins (DC) Chair

Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer

David Johnson (DJ)



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