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SBNF Officers Meeting Minutes - July 2022

21 July 2022 at 19.00

Online meeting


Approval of previous meeting minutes

1. Locality Funding Position (JM)

2. Health Check (MG)

3. SEA/SA progress (MW)

4. Open Green Spaces - Adur Meeting (DC)

5. Any Other Business

Approval of previous meeting minutes

As the meeting was not quorate the previous meeting minutes could not be voted on. Minutes will be approved at next quorate committee meeting.

1. Locality Funding Position

DC said that there has been no response from Adur Council about the Forum’s request that they act as the accountable body to receive the Locality Grant for 2022-3 on the Forum’s behalf. DC will follow up the Forum’s request to determine the reasons for the delay of this decision.

Action DC

2. Neighbourhood Plan Health Check

MG is working pro-bono and stated that due to continued pressure of other work he has been unable to Locality about their support for the Neighbourhood Plan Health Check but will contact them as soon as possible.

Action MG

3. SEA/SA progress

The Forum needs to update the Neighbourhood Plan to enable the application for the SEA/SA to proceed. The current status of the document update could not be established as MW was unable to attend this meeting.

4. Open Green Spaces meeting with Adur Planning

The Forum was unable to go ahead with this meeting in July. DC will request new dates for the proposed meeting with Pippa Reece from Moira Hayes.

Action DC

5. Any Other Business

MG and DC discussed progress towards NP completion and felt that it was essential that the next meeting be quorate and that all outstanding actions on committee members be completed before the meeting takes place.

The outstanding actions are summarised for convenience below:

· DC: Liaise with Adur Planning regarding ADC acting as SBNF Accountable Body

· DC: Liaise with Adur Planning regarding Open Green spaces meeting

· MG: Establish whether Locality can undertake the NP Health Check free of charge

· MW: Complete update of NP to Revision 5 ready for SEA/SA Application

· MW: Ensure all 2022 approved committee meeting minutes are on the SBNF website

The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday August 18th at 19.00 at the Shoreham Centre. It is important that committee members make every effort to attend this meeting.

Meeting closed at 19.15.



Dave Collins (DC) Chair

Mike Gibson (MG) Planning Consultant

Apologies for absence received from:

Kevin Hall (KH) Vice Chair

Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer

Mike Whelan (MW) Secretary

James Breckell (JB) Architect

David Johnson (DJ) SBRA


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