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Extraordinary Committee Meeting – Minutes - June 2023

9 June 2023 at 18.30

Remote, via Zoom


1. Resignations of Dave and Brenda Collins

2. Have Your Say Day

3. Neighbourhood Plan Policy Review

4. Any Other Business


Kevin Hall (KH) Chair

Mike Whelan (MW) Secretary

Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer

Mike Gibson (MG) Planning Consultant

Apologies for absence received from:

David Johnson (DJ)

1. Resignations of Dave and Brenda Collins

This extraordinary committee meeting was called following the unexpected resignations of Dave Collins (Vice Chair) and Brenda Collins.

DC and BC were upset by the committee’s consideration of the Council’s offer to incorporate the draft NP into the Local Plan. MW wanted to inform all Forum members and include everyone in the decision, but the committee did not reach a consensus on this matter.

KH met DC on Monday 5 June and urged DC and BC to remain on the committee at least until after the HYS Day had been held and Forum members’ feelings about this option had been heard.

However, DC was insistent that the HYS Day question should be either to continue with the NP or not continue at all and that the Council proposal should not be mentioned in flyers and posters. Given the feelings expressed by other committee members, KH could not accept this pre-condition. DC and BC submitted their resignations the following day which KH accepted with regret.

The Committee would like to thank Dave Collins for all the hard work he contributed in setting up and running the Regeneration Working Group and as Chair of the Management Committee. Also our thanks to Brenda Collins who brought great energy and fresh ideas as a Committee member.

2. Have Your Say Day

JM said he supported the Forum exploring the Council’s offer to adopt NP policies where possible. He asked about the status of funds committed for the HYS Day. MW said funds intended for printing flyers, posters and NP policy material had not yet been spent.

MW said the LPA cannot provide large format printing as they did at previous Have Your Say days, and there are less volunteers to support the event, and assess the resulting feedback.

MW also pointed out that several members and key stakeholders wanted to have their say but could not attend the event on the 17th. He suggested an effective way to get the view of the whole beach with the limited resources available is through a printed leaflet delivered to every household, explaining the options, with a link to an online questionnaire. MW had previously circulated a draft for the committee to consider. The committee was concerned that it was too complex and would need further consideration.

MG said he felt there was no point in holding the HYS Day on June 17th given the changed circumstances and the delay that had been caused by the questions DC and BC had raised about the wording of flyers and posters. He advised that the unspent funds should either be returned to Locality or retained for a postponed Have Your Say consultation. He also advised that there was no reason why the Forum could not continue to function. The Committee can seek to appoint other Forum members to replace DC and BC.

It was decided that the HYS Day on June 17th should be postponed as it was now too late to publicise the event properly so attendance would likely be limited. Also it was felt the Forum should engage with the Planning Department to further assess what policies could be incorporated in the Local Plan and thus give Forum members a more informed choice.

The Beach School headmaster has been very supportive so it was agreed the forum should inform him urgently that the HYS Day has been cancelled. As MW had been liaising with the headmaster over HYS Day planning he agreed to do this.

MW had asked Joss Loader to reserve four pages in Beach News to report on the HYS Day. She needs to be informed that the extra space will not be needed due to the changed circumstances. Instead, the Committee will submit a news item summarising the changed circumstances and setting out the proposed way forward. This needs to be written and approved by June 18th.

3. Neighbourhood Plan Policy Review

It was agreed that the Forum should engage with the Council regarding the offer to incorporate NP policies in the Adur Local Development Framework. Moira Hayes (MH) has recently provided MW with a matrix of how NP policies may fit with the emerging Local Plan. This raises a number of questions. MW has begun to draft a response but needs input from all Committee members to complete it. The Committee’s response to MH will be reviewed at the next scheduled meeting on June 22nd. The intention then is to submit the response and press for an urgent meeting with James Appleton and MH.

4. AOB


Meeting closed at 20.00.


The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday June 22nd at 19.00 at The Shoreham Centre. See events calendar



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