Date 11/11/16
place: quay court
time: 9.30am-11am
present: Gwenn PT, Simone Macke-Wilson, Kathryn Lambert
Apologises: Juliet Evans, Chloe Rose, Ashley Veit, Steve Savage
Agenda 1st meeting (Friday 11th November)
-presentation and comments on current draft policies
-analyse feedback results working towards a 1st revision
-discuss & schedule a workshop/platform for children/parents to engage in Green Matters (1st step: Steve salvage on the the Role of the gardens on the beach in regards to the nature reserve)
1- General
SBRA versus SBNF
SBRA knowledge of the past history of the Beach versus SBNF looks at the future
How could the 2 work better together?
2- Familiarise with current draft Policies presented at Have Your say Event Oct 2016
Policy G1 - Designation of Local Green Spaces (LGS)
Policy G2.1 Plant more trees
Policy G2.2 - Conserve trees
Policy G3 - Improve existing landscaped areas
Policy G4 Community Renewable Energy
Policy G5 - Implementation ( framework for organisation to develop and finance projects)
3- Policy G4 Community Renewable Energy
Kathryn Lambert will investigate
Focussing on Solar panels provision, costs and new feed back tariff
ACTION: Kathryn to simulate quotes for individual dwelling fitting solar panels Versus buying in bulk as a form of cooperative
4- Policy G2.1 Plant more trees & Policy G2.2 - Conserve trees
Simone will investigate
ACTION: Simone to investigate Tree Conservation (TPO) criteria and relevance for the beach.
What tree/ shrub species would do well on the beach?
4- Steve Savage workshop
venue options: Harbour Club, Church Hall or school hall for future Saturday morning educative events (consider extra fee for caretakers, own responsibilities for Health & Safety…)
Action: Gwenn to liaise with school about hall hire (+promo text) for future events
Draft Program by Steve:
- presentation introducing the beach wildlife and the role private gardens can play.
- garden habitat mapping which can help develop your garden for wildlife, look at connectivity within the garden and other gardens For families with children it can also provide a fun learning opportunity.
- discussion to get input/views from people on the beach and answer questions, including other thoughts about water gardens, planting etc.
The aim : provide a simple collection of ideas that you could take forward an share and see how things develop from there.
Action: Gwenn to book HC large room for Tuesday 29th November, 5.45pm to 7.15pm and promote this small-scale event+nibbles…
Gwenn to present rain gardens+ the National Federation of Parks & Green Spaces (NFPGS)
Gwenn to ask Chloe Rose from RSPB for her additional expertise
FYI- Brief from Steve Salvage
“the role of the gardens on the beach in regards to the nature reserve. No habitat exists in isolation but relies very much on the surrounding habitats that it is connected to. In this respect, the beach gardens are an extension of the nature Reserve.
This is particularly important to invertebrates such as bees, many of which will forage in peoples gardens especially outside of the flowering period of the beach flora. The gardens also provide important nest sites for solitary bees (most of the 250 species of UK bee are solitary bees) and bumble bees. The gardens also provide important hibernation opportunities. In return the bees provide a valuable and important pollination service to the rare shingle plants and also the plants in peoples gardens. So while the gardens are a valuable linked habitat to the nature reserve, the gardens also benefit by their connection to the nature reserve.
I am keen to share this with local residents, also some simple ideas (for now) how people can help wildlife such as bees. I am also interested to find out more about what animals live/visit peoples gardens and encourage them to record observations. To do this properly would need some kind of funding, however for now it would provide some valuable information (to the nature reserve and garden residents).”
4- Brief feedback on setting up another “friends of” group to deal with green spaces
probably best to keep in under current Friends of Shoreham Beach
essential to work together to benefit from experience and expertise
Action : Gwenn to liaise with Jacqui and Joy or John from FOSB to discuss what could be done in parallel to their action (mostly on the beaches/ Nature reserve?)
Green group to discuss this further