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Management Committee minutes - May 2015

25th May 2016

Minutes from the April meeting were approved.

Draft Characterisation Study - Generally positive feedback from the draft Characterisation Study was recorded. The Committee agreed the study formed a vital part of the overall evidence base and gave context to the plan. The committee identified a few additional sections and agreed that the study would be updated and re-circulated as an amended draft.

Household Survey - Joss reported that circa 300 surveys had been completed and submitted. Joss has met with the representatives from the Houseboat Community to understand more about their thoughts and views locally – plus other hard to reach groups, including young people. The data now needs to be analysed, independently.

Beach Green public loos - Nomination of Asset of Community Value - Dawn reported that she had an email from James Appleton from Adur Council late that afternoon (26.05.15) saying they were ‘not inclined to approve Beach Green as an Asset of Community Value.’ The Committee discussed Mr Appleton’s communication and the overall objective of the original submission. It was agreed that the forum may seek a meeting with the Council to review and liaise over their response further. Joss said that the two district councillors – as elected members for the ward – needed to be consulted and involved.

Working Groups – update and next steps - Dawn reported that the planning consultant has met with some group leaders and is due to meet the rest.

Funding – The latest tranche of Locality funding is awaited. The development of a separate website for Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Forum was discussed and agreed. Two quotes for developing a website had been submitted. No further action will be taken until funding has been received.

Have Your Say Day event - 15th July 5:00 – 8:00pm at Shoreham Beach Primary School. Action: Dawn, Joss, Howard and Mike to meet on Monday 1st June to discuss the overall look and proposed content for this event.

Next meeting: 24th June 2015, venue to be confirmed.


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