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Management Committee minutes - Sept 2014

Tuesday 23rd September 2014

Harbour Club Meeting Room 7.15pm

1. Minutes of previous meeting from 19th August 2014 were approved

2. Chair/Planning Adviser Report


  1. Progress Review A progress update was provided by MG. Phase 1 (to achieve designation of area and forum) should conclude mid October. MG to chase up the Grant. Terms of Reference and Clear Objectives to be provided by MG as there is some confusion around aims and objectives of the Working Groups.

  2. Additional Committee members JL is happy to continue as acting vice chair. JW is to resign as Secretary and take up post of Treasurer from JL. Sarah Howarth to join committee and stand as Secretary.

  3. Appointment of Membership Secretary /new members Lynton to to join committee and stand as Membership Secretary. Howard Carter to join the Committee

3.3 Additional members of Working Groups

Members of the Working Groups need to be more representative of the Beach Demographics – perception that there is little interest from the West Beach, although the opportunity and pressures of development are not prevalent at the West End. The West Beach is also less densely populated than the East so membership from the East should naturally be higher .

  1. Liaison with LPA re evidence base The feeling is that council information should be accessed as required as there is too much to wade through en masse. It was agreed that an Urban Characterisation Report is required to understand the profile of the Beach today. This could be commissioned locally.

  2. Draft Project Plan to be prepared for October meeting

  3. Planning Adviser programme as outlined in grant application - work priorities and reporting MG gave summary.

4. Treasurer’s report

  1. Grant award – deliverables JL advised that the Grant had not been received at ADC as late as last week. MG to chase up.

  2. Budget and expenditure to date The bank account has been opened – JW will need to be added as a signatory. The marketing spend for community engagement to date (£382) has been funded by SBRA, who will need to be reimbursed. This covers web costs and design and print of collateral.

  1. Reports from Working Groups – progress to date and next steps

    1. Communication engagement strategy and programme JL The web pages are now operational and the leaflet has been delivered to every house on the beach. There have been a few responses and emails. A plan is needed for the November 15th event – MG suggested exhibition format with the opportunity for attendees to engage in more detailed discussions. It was suggested that a questionnaire could be circulated to gauge opinion.

    2. Residential development and regeneration DCS A first meeting has been held – report to be provided at October meeting

5.3 Local businesses and jobs


MT has had some initial brief discussions and is collating data but feels that clear terms of reference are required. MG to action.

5.4 Community facilities


Data being gathered

5.5 Sustainable green neighbourhood


Jennie is unwell and could not attend the meeting however Jennie is keen to continue to play a part but will narrow her focus to environmental issues.

5.6 Conservation of natural and historic environment

Cllr Liza McKinney

Report to be provided at October meeting

5.7 Transport and movement

Cllr Ben Stride

Report to be provided at October meeting


An email has been received from John Haffenden who questioned the inclusion of the Adur Rec area. JL / DCS to meet with John.

Date of next meeting

15th October 2014 – 7.15pm - 8.45pm

Attendees: Joss Loader, Julia Watts, Mike Gibson, Ben Stride, Maurice Pitchford, Maggie Taylor, Howard Carter, Sarah Howarth, Linton


Dawn Clenton-Sparey, Jennie Tindall

Image courtesy of



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