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Report and Minutes of SBNF Special General Meeting – Funding - January 2022

Updated: Oct 21, 2022

20 January 2022 at 19.00



  1. Introduction

  2. Neighbourhood Plan Funding & Spending Options 2014 - 2022 (and beyond)

  3. Motion to Amend the Forum Constitution

  4. Any Other Business

1. Introduction

DC opened the meeting. Joyce Wilson asked why the opposition to “two for one” developments was not part of the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

The Regeneration group representatives briefly explained how we are constrained, summarised as follows:

Previously, the draft plan included wording to address the 2-for-1 issue, e.g.:

‘Should respect density of existing development…’ Draft Neighbourhood Plan 2017

However, ADC have pointed out that this would contradict Adur Local Plan Policy 22 Density, which sets a general minimum of 35 dwellings per hectare, and sets out an approach to exceptional cases. Both Plans need to be consistent with current national planning advice contained in the NPPF.

‘Cumulative densification’ should not be an assumption that increased density is necessarily a bad thing.’ A&W Planning Officers

Therefore, the draft policy wording was amended and now reads:

Policy NR 1 - High Quality Design

The Neighbourhood Plan will promote and support development proposals which deliver sustainable, high-quality design which is sympathetic to the characteristics of Shoreham Beach and is responsive to community aspirations. Thus, proposals for development within the Neighbourhood Plan Area will be expected to:

  1. Contribute positively to the neighbourhood’s eclectic and idiosyncratic character and identity; creating or enhancing local distinctiveness, landscaping and urban design - with appropriate variation in style and character.

  2. Respect the rhythm and pattern of buildings and street frontages, while ensuring that any new, higher density developments incorporate appropriate measures to allow for a smooth transition from existing lower density development, to ensure that they assimilate well into the street scene.

  3. Protect/enhance cherished views into, out of and within the Beach which the Character Study and further resident feedback demonstrates are a valued feature of the neighbourhood.

Joyce decided to leave the meeting and not participate in the vote.

2. Neighbourhood Plan Funding & Spending Options 2014 - 2022 (and beyond)

MW presented the status of the draft Neighbourhood Plan in a series of slides, focusing particularly on the financial history of the Forum and its present financial position. He stressed the need for new funding to host events to engage with the community through the final stages of the completion of the Neighbourhood Plan. The presentation concluded with the text of the proposed amendment to the Forum Constitution, which is required to comply with the terms of the Forum’s new bank account.

Summary of the presentation:

• Spent +/- £16k on Expert Planning and Plan Writing Support

• Spent +/- £8k on Community Engagement & Evidence Gathering (mostly 2014-2016)

• Since 2017, we significantly reduced spending

• Our stakeholders say we need to spend more to ensure the Plan is supported at referendum

• Local skills and volunteer time is scarce - we need professional support

• There may also be ongoing costs after referendum (optional)

• Therefore, we need more funding.

For more info, please the FUNDING section at

Note: This consultation plan is subject to timely and sufficient funding.

3. Motion to Amend the Forum Constitution

DC proposed the following motion

To amend the Constitution as follows, in order to clear the way to opening an online Treasurers account with Santander, the wording of Finance 10.1 should simply be amended to read “Any one signatory to sign”

Also, 10.2 “The committee must authorise the Treasurer to make any online banking payments” should be deleted.

Those still present at the meeting voted unanimously to support this motion. DC presented two further proxy votes in favour, making a total of eleven votes in favour and none against. The motion was therefore adopted and the SBNF Constitution will be amended accordingly.

Action JM to notify Santander Bank that the change has been made and arrange for the account to be opened.

Note, JM notified the Bank on January 22

4. Any Other Business

Grace and Spencer Hilton raised the issue of cars speeding at night on Shoreham Beach, particularly along Old Fort Road and Harbour Way. They also mentioned the continuing anti-social behaviour at Shoreham Fort Car Park at night, and the resulting vandalism to fences intended to stop access. They asked whether the Forum could support the addition of traffic calming measures, add gates to the car park, etc. DC replied that he and Joss Loader, as councillors for Marine Ward, were in frequent discussion with the County Council about this issue. DC suggested Grace and Spencer Hilton join the Forum’s Transport Working Group to get their voices heard.

Meeting closed at 19.45


The next scheduled Management Committee meeting will take place on February 17 at 19.00. The meeting venue is dependent on the availability of a meeting room at The Shoreham Centre.



Dave Collins (DC), Chair

Kevin Hall (KH), Vice Chair

Mike Whelan (MW), Secretary

James Breckell (JB), Committee member

David Johnson (DJ), Committee member

Five forum members

Apologies for absence:

Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer

Mike Gibson (MG), Planning Consultant



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