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SBNF Meeting with Adur Planning – April 2022

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

5 April 2022 at 15.00

The QEII Room at the Shoreham Centre


1. Forum bank account

2. Status of Adur Planners’ comments on draft Neighbourhood Plan

3. Budgetary estimate for completion of Neighbourhood Plan and additional funding options

4. Open green spaces in Neighbourhood Plan, especially in relation to MUGA location

5. Policies that Adur Planners consider should be removed

6. Impact of emerging Local Plan on draft Neighbourhood Plan

1. Forum bank account

The forum’s bank account has been transferred to Santander and the account is now operational. This enables an application to be made to Locality for further funding.

2. Status of Adur Planners’ comments on draft Neighbourhood Plan

  • Policy Team to respond to draft Plan, Forum's response to our comments ideally by 12th May. This timescale is partly dependent on the following item -

  • Mike W to forward a word (or Google Doc) version of the Forum's response to the Policy Team's last set of comments.

  • MH to contact DC with suggested format for letter of instruction regarding SEA/SA scoping

  • MH to contact colleagues and establish whether there is a formal relationship between Boxpark and the BG car park.

3. Budgetary estimate for completion of Neighbourhood Plan and additional funding options

· MW to send proposed breakdown of costs for Reg 14 consultation exercise

· MH to check next grant allocation from Dept of LUHLG - stage and amount.

· Mike G to find out if Locality can organise a free NPIERS health-check, and make MH aware of response.

4. Open green spaces in Neighbourhood Plan, especially in relation to MUGA location

MH to contact Pippa re MUGA issue; of the 2 locations, Forum believe Beach Green is most appropriate - DC would like to meet and discuss.

5. Policies that Adur Planners consider should be removed which the Forum wish to retain

Forum still wish to consider allocation of allotments west of BG car park - MH to contact Estates, and others for Council view.

Forum to work towards an up-to-date, consistent draft plan document

o Forum to consider issue of Design Code, i.e. Is “Design Code / Guide” the wrong type of document? Too constrictive?

Is there a more flexible and appropriate planning instrument, i.e. a Supplementary Planning Guide?

o Planning Policy - to consider how a NP design code would work - integral to plan or separate?

o Forum to consider how the plan addresses concerns regarding development

6. Impact of emerging Local Plan on draft Neighbourhood Plan

Planning Policy Team to consider sustainability criteria for the Forum - align with emerging ALP? Would it be easier if SBNF replace the One Planet Principles with UN Sustainable Development Goals and what is the outcome of the A&W Climate Assembly?

Meeting closed at 16.42



Moira Hayes (MH) Adur Planning Policy Manager

Dave Collins (DC) SBNF Chair

Kevin Hall (KH) Vice Chair

Mike Whelan (MW) Secretary

James Breckell (JB) Architect

Mike Gibson (MG) Planning Consultant

Apologies for absence received from:

Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer

David Johnson (DJ) SBRA


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