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SBNF Officers Meeting Minutes - April 2023

The Shoreham Centre, Pond Rd

Minutes of SBNF Management Committee Meeting – April 2023

20 April 2023 at 19.00

The Shoreham Centre


1. Approval of March meeting minutes

2. Have Your Say Day on June 17th

3. Any Other Business


Kevin Hall (KH) Chair

Dave Collins (DC) Vice Chair

Mike Whelan (MW) Secretary

Mike Gibson (MG) Planning Consultant

Apologies for absence received from

Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer

David Johnson (DJ)

Brenda Collins (BC)

1. Approval of March Meeting Minutes

The draft minutes from the March committee meeting, having been reviewed by all committee members, were unanimously agreed to be an accurate account and approved for publication.

Action MW

2. Have Your Say Day on June 17th

MW stated that he had submitted the invoice for the costs of the event to JM. The HYS Day will be held in Shoreham Beach Primary School Hall on Saturday June 17th. The Forum would like to express its thanks to Darren Vallier, the head teacher of the school, for his support and cooperation in making the school facilities available.

MW described his plans for the HYS day, which are based on previous such events. Info about the draft policies and aspirations will be on display, and there will be a discussion area with seating where forum members can meet with committee members, ask questions, and give their views on the draft NP. All attendees will be asked to register upon arrival.

The theme is: Do you want it or not?

The committee discussion concentrated on publicity for the HYS day. It was suggested that a four page folded leaflet would be distributed to residents inviting them to attend. MW will provide an initial design via email for committee members to review and comment on. The layout and content will be finalised at the next committee meeting. The aim is to have the leaflet printed and circulated by the first week in June. Forum members will also receive an email invitation. Councillors with an interest in Beach planning affairs and leaders of stakeholder organisations will also be invited to attend. The Forum’s social media accounts will also be used to publicise the event: Nextdoor, Facebook, YouTube, etc.

An RSVP invite will be emailed to all members and stakeholders and it will be featured on the Events page.

3. AOB


Meeting closed at 20.30.

The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday May 25th at 19.00 at The Shoreham Centre. See events calendar



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