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SBNF Officers Meeting Minutes - February 2022

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

18 February 2022 at 19.00

Committee Room, Shoreham Centre

1. January meeting minutes

2. Funding

3. Meeting with Adur planners

4. Restarting working groups

5. Open green spaces

6. Rampion 2 Consultation

7. AOB

1. January meeting minutes

DC proposed the January meeting minutes be approved. There were no objections and the minutes were signed.

2. Funding

JM reported that the forum can apply in April for £1,000 plus the £60 previously returned to Locality. This is subject to the new bank account being open by then. More funding may become available to apply for as grants are being reviewed.

Santander have accepted that the amended forum constitution meets their account terms and conditions. The forum committee officers (DC, MW, JM and KH) now need to meet the business bank manager and provide the necessary ID. Santander have provided a range of dates and the committee agreed that Wednesday March 9 was optimal.

3. Meeting with Adur planners

Adur planners are mostly still working from home so a date for an in-person meeting is difficult to arrange. MG has advised DC that the meeting should be held as soon as possible. We need to find out when Adur planners will apply for screening for a possible Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), and whether the current version of the draft Neighbourhood Plan needs further revision to support this application.

Action DC to contact Moira Hayes

4. Restarting working groups

Discussion of this item was deferred until the meeting with Adur planners has taken place.

5. Open green spaces

DC presented a copy of a document from Adur Council which will invite residents to identify open spaces that might be designated and protected as open green spaces in the NP. DC invited committee members to suggest any such areas at the next meeting.

Note: The draft plan already proposes five Local Green Spaces:

LGS 1 - Adur Recreation Ground The green field is owned by ADC, having been donated to ‘the people of Shoreham’.

LGS 2 - Beach Green The whole site (north and south of Beach Green Rd) is owned by ADC. LGS designation is consistent with Policy NR 3 Beach Green Regeneration.

LGS 3 - Falcon Close Owned by WSCC and designated as a traffic island. LGS designation provides long term protection as a green space, which could possibly benefit from enhancement set out in Table GB2.

LGS 4 - Silver Sands Owned by the Port Authority. LGS designation because of its wildlife and recreational value.

LGS 5 - Soldiers Point Owned by the Port Authority.

Action DC to circulate this Adur Council document to committee members

Action DC to write to Cllr Emma Evans about Shoreham Beach green spaces

6. Rampion 2 Consultation

The proposed Rampion 2 development affects all Beach residents. The public consultation is still open. MW proposed that the Forum collect views from local residents to inform the Rampion 2 consultation. The results could be submitted to the Rampion 2 developers. Such a survey is also an opportunity to create more engagement with the local community and may encourage residents to participate in the public consultation if they haven’t already done so. The committee agreed this would be worthwhile - although Rampion 2 is outside the NP designated area boundary.

Action MW to present a draft survey at the next committee meeting

7. AOB

JM asked about plans for increased community engagement. MW said he had submitted budgetary estimates for Have Your Say Days, which will be the main opportunity for significant new community engagement.

Meeting closed at 20.00


The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday March 17 at 19.00



Dave Collins (DC) Chairman

Mike Whelan (MW) Secretary

Kevin Hall (KH) Vice Chairman

Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer

James Breckell (JB) Architect

Apologies received from:

Mike Gibson (MG) Planning Consultant

David Johnson (DJ)


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