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SBNF Officers Meeting Minutes - March 2021

15 March 2021, 6pm

Online video conference


1. Chairman’s Report

2. Any Other Business

1. Chairman’s Report

DC attended a meeting with members of the Adur Joint Strategy Committee to discuss the redesignation of the Forum.

A decision on this has been deferred since it was discussed at the July 2020 meeting of the JSC. DC presented a summary of the current status of the plan and the steps remaining to complete it. It became apparent that the JSC had not been provided with sufficient information in advance of the July 2020 meeting regarding the significant progress made by the Forum towards completion of the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. Supporting documents provided by the Forum had also not been received. Thus an unduly negative impression was formed. All the facts are now in the possession of the JSC and it is hoped that when the matter is discussed at the April 2021 JSC meeting the outcome will be a decision to redesignate the Forum.

The Forum plans to hold an AGM as soon as possible after redesignation is agreed by the JSC. Redesignation of the Forum will release some funding which will enable community engagement events such as Have Your Say Days.

2. Any Other Business

MW has submitted a Forum news item for the Spring Edition of Beach News. This included our thanks to Tony Wallington for all his valuable service and contributions to the Management Committee and the Forum.

Meeting closed at 1845.


It was agreed that the next Management Committee meeting is dependant on a commitment from JSC towards re-designation.



Dave Collins (DC) Chairman

Kevin Hall (KH) Vice Chairman

Mike Gibson (MG) Planning Consultant

Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer

Mike Whelan (MW) Secretary



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