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SBNF Officers Meeting Minutes - May 2022

12 May 2022 at 19.00

Adur Room at the Shoreham Centre


1. Approval of meeting minutes

2. Uploading of meeting minutes

3. Funding application status

4. Actions from April meeting with Adur planners

5. AOB

1. Approval of meeting minutes

DC opened the meeting and proposed that the meeting minutes for the March committee meeting and the April meeting with Adur planners be approved. There were no objections and the meeting minutes were duly signed. Copies of the approved minutes to be circulated.

Action KH

2. Upload of SBNF meeting minutes

It has been reported that SBNF management committee meeting minutes for January and February have not been uploaded to the forum website. MW accepted that there was a backlog and said this would be corrected at the weekend. Meeting minutes will be uploaded to the website on a monthly basis in future.

Action MW

3. Funding Status

JM confirmed that an application for funding of £1060.00 for 2022/3 will be submitted to Locality at the weekend. MG agreed to assist with completion of the submission form.

Action JM/MG

4. Actions from April meeting with Adur planners

4.1 Update of the draft Neighbourhood Plan for submission to Adur Planning for SEA/SA Screening. DC, MW, and JB will meet at DC’s house on Tuesday 17th May at 10am to finalise amendments to the NP as agreed with Adur Planning in April. The revised document will then be submitted to Adur Planning for review prior to being sent out for SEA/SA screening as required.

Action DC/MW/JB

4.2 SBNF Budget to completion of NP MG to provide bullet points to help JM create a proposed budget for completion of the NP. JM to provide list of upfront costs that must be covered out of the new Locality funding, e.g. website running costs. Estimates of costs to completion will be added, e.g. costs of preparing for and holding “Have You Say” days, increased community engagement, etc. The budget will be presented for approval at the next management committee meeting.

Action JM/MG

4.3 MG to check with Locality to determine whether it can fund the NP “Health Check”. Adur Planning have offered to fund this but if it can be funded by Locality this will be beneficial.

Action MG

4.4 Box Park development car parking Moira Hayes (Adur Planning Policy Manager) has confirmed to DC that the Box Park development plan does not include the use of the Beach Green Car Park. After a discussion the committee felt that ideally this car park should be used by restaurant customers, but that they may well choose to park on nearby roads rather than pay for the car park. This will surely be a matter of concern to local residents, and views on this should be sought at the next “Have Your Say” day.

5. AOB


Meeting closed at 19.55.


The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday June 16th at 19.00 at the Shoreham Centre.



Dave Collins (DC) Chair

Kevin Hall (KH) Vice Chair

Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer

Mike Whelan (MW) Secretary

James Breckell (JB) Architect

Mike Gibson (MG) Planning Consultant

Apologies for absence received from:

David Johnson (DJ)



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