17 November 2022 at 19.00
Room D at The Shoreham Centre
1. Approval of October meeting minutes
2. AGM Date
3. Application for SEA/SA screening of NP
4. Letter to CEO of Adur Council regarding lack of support to the Forum
5. Proposed alternative to act as SBNF Accountable Body
6. Open Green Spaces meeting
7. AOB
Dave Collins (DC) Chair
Kevin Hall (KH) Vice Chair
Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer
Mike Whelan (MW) Secretary
Mike Gibson (MG) Planning Consultant (attended the meeting part time by phone)
Apologies for absence received from:
1. Approval of October meeting minutes
DC opened the meeting and proposed that the minutes of the October committee meeting be approved. There were no objections and the meeting minutes were duly signed. The minutes can now be circulated.
Action KH
2. AGM Date
MW reported that it was not possible to hold an AGM in the week beginning December 12th. DC said that it will not be possible to book the QE2 room for that week in time to give the required 3 weeks’ notice. Therefore it was agreed to postpone the AGM for one month. The proposed AGM date is January 19th 2023.
Book QE2 room for AGM on the evening of January 19th 2023
Action DC
Create a presentation of the current draft Neighbourhood Plan for the AGM
Action MW
3. Application for SEA/SA screening of NP
Revision 5 of the Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted by MW to Moira Hayes (Adur Planning Policy Manager, Planning & Development) for review and application for SEA/SA screening.
4. Letter to CEO of Adur Council regarding lack of support to the Forum
KH reported that the letter had been emailed to the CEO. An email received on November 11th promised a full response to the complaint within ten working days. KH will circulate this response to all committee members for consideration.
Circulate the response received from Adur Council to SBNF committee members
Action KH
5. Proposed alternative to act as SBNF Accountable Body
JM stated he had been in discussion with Locality regarding possible alternatives to Adur Council being SBNF’s accountable body. Locality has confirmed that a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee could be formed, creating a legal body which could receive grant funds on the Forum’s behalf. The application is ready to submit, if approved by the committee.
DC proposed a motion to form such a company, JM seconded this motion and the motion was carried by 5 votes with none against.
Application to form a Community Interest Company to be submitted
Action JM, DC
6. Open Green Spaces meeting
DC has still not received any proposed dates for this meeting to take place and will contact Moira Hayes again.
Action DC
7. AOB
Meeting closed at 19.50.
The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday December 15th at 19.00 at The Shoreham Centre. See events calendar