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SBNF Officers Meeting Minutes - Oct 2022

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

28 October 2022 at 19.00

Room D at The Shoreham Centre


1. Approval of September meeting minutes

2. James Breckell’s resignation

3. Neighbourhood Plan Revision 5

4. Open Green Spaces meeting date

5. Letter to CEO of Adur Council regarding lack of support to the Forum

6. AGM Date

7. AOB


Dave Collins (DC) Chair

Kevin Hall (KH) Vice Chair

Mike Whelan (MW) Secretary

Mike Gibson (MG) Planning Consultant

Apologies for absence received from:

Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer

David Johnson (DJ)

1. Approval of September meeting minutes

DC opened the meeting and proposed that the minutes of the September committee meeting be approved. There were no objections and the meeting minutes were duly signed. The minutes can now be circulated.

Action KH

2. James Breckell’s resignation

Management committee member James Breckell submitted his resignation to the committee by email on October 26th. The committee reluctantly agreed to accept his resignation. DC will write a letter to that effect, thanking James for his valued service and expert opinion.

Action DC

3. Neighbourhood Plan Revision 5

It was agreed that revision 5 of the NP is ready for submission for SEA/SA screening. As such MW will send a PDF copy of the NP to Moira Hayes (Adur Planning Policy Manager) and formally request it be submitted for assessment as soon as possible. The committee also considers that this version of the NP forms the basis of the Draft Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Plan. A separate email will be sent to explain the background to the three policies (CF3, GB2 and TM9) which have been added since revision 4 of the NP.

Submit Neighbourhood Plan Rev 5 to Adur Planning for SEA/SA screening.

Action MW

Send email to Moira Hayes regarding background to additional policies in Rev 5.

Action MW

4. Open Green Spaces meeting

DC asked the meeting to note that there has still been no response to his request for a date for the meeting about open green spaces, proposed by Adur Planning. DC will resend his request to Moira Hayes.

Action DC

5. Letter to CEO of Adur Council regarding lack of support to the Forum

There has still been no written response to the Forum’s request that Adur Council act as the Accountable Body to receive grant funding on the Forum’s behalf. Progress on this matter is essential to the continued development of the NP. Therefore it was agreed that the letter, which was drafted by MG and agreed by all committee members, should now be sent to the CEO of Adur & Worthing Councils to highlight the Forum’s concerns.

Action KH

6. AGM Date

According to the Forum constitution the AGM must be held within fifteen months of the previous AGM and three weeks notice of the meeting must be given to Forum members and stakeholders. The AGM will be held at the Shoreham Centre. MG suggested this be in the first two weeks of December. SBNF will contact SBRA to agree a mutually convenient date.

Action MW

7. AOB

Meeting closed at 20.10.


The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday November 17th at 19.00 at the Shoreham Centre. See events calendar



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